Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Switching to Running on Footpaths

My left heel has been aching. Last Saturday it hurt while running and then afterward. On Sunday it was annoying me when i was walking around the house and after my run. I thought I might have to see a sports doctor or physio.

But I decided to switch from running on the footpath to the grass. I thought the constant pounding might be causing the pain in my left heel. So far I have been correct. On Monday I didn't run and it was just niggling a little. On Tuesday I ran again, but on the grass not the footpaths. My heel didn't bother me one bit.

I hope readers have had a good weekend running.


  1. Glad to know the grass helped-sometimes it's the simplest things we need to change to improve our running! I did have a good weekend-Saturday was a rest day, then a very nice 6 miler Sunday morning. Enjoy your week!

  2. Running on grass or a nice squishy track are both great options to keep injury free. Frozen peas or ice afterwards is good too.
